
Linking production and comprehension – Investigating the lexical interface

In a typical conversation, listening and speaking go hand in hand. However, we do not yet know what cognitive machinery and brain areas are shared between production and comprehension. It is believed that the lexical (lemma) and conceptual levels are …


Nederlands De Syntest is een instrument ontworpen om problemen met het begrijpen van syntactische constructies te signaleren. De test maakt een onderscheid tussen zinslengte en syntactische complexiteit. De Syntest is gratis verkrijbaar via Dr.

A valid alternative for in-person language assessments in brain tumor patients: feasibility and validity measures of the new TeleLanguage test

Background: Although language deficits after awake brain surgery are usually milder than post stroke, postoperative language assessments are needed to identify these. Follow-up of brain tumor patients in certain geographical regions can be difficult …

Direct brain recordings reveal hippocampal rhythm underpinnings of language processing

Language is typically studied in isolation from memory. We demonstrate that the same neuronal computations used by the hippocampus for memory also subserve online language usage. These findings represent a major step in integrating the studies of language and memory, significantly expanding the role of hippocampal theta oscillations.

Beta oscillations reflect memory and motor aspects of spoken word production

Two major components form the basis of spoken word production: the access of conceptual and lexical/phonological information in long-term memory, and motor preparation and execution of an articulatory programme. Whereas the motor aspects of word …

Sit down and read on: Working memory and long-term memory in particle-verb processing

Particle verbs (e.g., look up) are lexical items for which particle and verb share a single lexical entry. Using event-related brain potentials, we examined working memory and longterm memory involvement in particle-verb processing. Dutch …