word production

Electrophysiological signatures of conceptual and lexical retrieval from semantic memory

Retrieval from semantic memory of conceptual and lexical information is essential for producing speech. It is unclear whether there are differences in the neural mechanisms of conceptual and lexical retrieval when spreading activation through …

The effect of deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus on language function in Parkinson’s disease: A systematic review

Purpose: This systematic review focuses on the effect of bilateral Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) of the Subthalamic Nucleus (STN) on language function in Parkinson’s Disease (PD). It fills an important gap in recent reviews, by considering other …

Mediated phonological-semantic priming in spoken word production: evidence for cascaded processing from picture-word interference

The cognitive architecture that allows humans to retrieve words from the mental lexicon has been investigated for decades. While there is consensus regarding a two-step architecture involving lexical-conceptual and phonological word form levels of …

Effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation over the left posterior superior temporal gyrus on picture-word interference

Word-production theories argue that during language production, a concept activates multiple lexical candidates in left temporal cortex, and the intended word is selected from this set. Evidence for theories on spoken-word production comes, for …

White matter hyperintensities at critical crossroads for executive function and verbal abilities in small vessel disease

The presence of white matter lesions in patients with cerebral small vessel disease (SVD) is among the main causes of cognitive decline. We investigated the relation between white matter hyperintensity (WMH) locations and executive and language …

A TMS investigation of left middle-MTG involvement in lemma access in speech production and comprehension

According to a prominent account, lemmas are abstract word representations that act as central relay hub for accessing conceptual, phonological, and syntactic representations linked to a word (Levelt et al., 1999). They are crucial for both speaking, …

fMRI evidence for shared lemma representations in speech production and comprehension

On a prominent account, lemma representations map the meaning of words to their sounds and vice-versa, and are shared across production and comprehension (Levelt et al., 1999). A meta-analysis of word production studies suggests that lemmas are …

Microstructural integrity of crucial white-matter tracts for category fluency in elderly with cerebral small vessel disease

Recent studies have suggested that language production abilities decline in patients with small vessel disease (SVD) a pathology that is one of the main contributors of cognitive impairment in older adults. The loss of microstructural integrity in …

Intersections between production and other cognitive domains

Research line


Nederlands De Sydney Language Battery (SYDBAT) is een screeningsinstrument ontworpen om PPA-subtypes uit elkaar te halen. Informatie over de test, validatie en normering vindt u in Eikelboom et al. (2017) en hier, waar u de test ook kunt vinden om te downloaden.