Willemijn Doedens

Former post-doc; current collaborator

Radboud University

I am a speech and language therapist, specialized in acquired language and communication impairments. During my PhD I conducted research on functional communication, i.e. everyday language use, in people with post-stroke aphasia.

As a postdoc at the Donders Centre for Cognition, I am involved in the further establishment of the Adaptive Language for Healthy Brain and Society research consortium, led by prof. Asli Özyürek, prof. James McQueen and dr. Vitória Piai. The aim of this consortium is to address societally relevant questions about the flexible, adaptive language use in everyday life, specifically focusing on diverse populations with internal and/or external language and communication difficulties, such as people with acquired brain damage, people with hearing impairments and people with reduced language fluency, such as second language learners.

My long term research interests are to gain a better fundamental understanding of interactive, multimodal, real-world language use and how different impairments (i.e. linguistic and/or cognitive) can affect this level of functioning. My aim is to translate this knowledge to improve assessment and rehabilitation of functional communication in clinical populations. I am interested in the application of technological innovations to address these fundamental and clinical questions.

Latest publications
Measures of functional, real-world communication for aphasia: a critical review
The importance of situated language use for aphasia rehabilitation


  • Language use (interactive, multimodal, embedded in context)
  • Language and cognition
  • Development of tools for assessment and intervention

Education & Career

  • Post-doc, 2020-present

    Radboud University, the Netherlands

  • PhD in Clinical Language Sciences, 2020

    University of Reading, UK

  • Speech and Language Therapist/Aphasia therapist, 2015-2017

    Boogh Aphasia Centre Utrecht, the Netherlands

  • BSc in Speech and Language Therapy, 2015

    Hogeschool Arnhem & Nijmegen, the Netherlands

  • MSc in Neuroscience, Language and Communication, 2011

    University College London, UK

  • BA in Psychology, 2010

    University College Utrecht, the Netherlands
